Do packaging bags made of different materials affect the shelf life of food
By hqt
Packaging bags made of different materials have a significant impact on the shelf life of food. One of the main functions of food-grade packaging bags is to protect food and prevent it from being affected by the external environment, such as oxygen, moisture, light, bacteria, etc. These factors may Accelerates food spoilage and deterioration. Packaging bags made of different materials have different barrier properties.
Oxygen barrier properties
Certain materials such as PVDC (polyvinylidene chloride), EVOH (ethylene/vinyl alcohol copolymer) and certain types of aluminum-coated films have very good oxygen barrier properties and can significantly extend the shelf life of food, especially It is suitable for foods that are easily oxidized such as fried foods and nuts.
Water-blocking properties
Water blocking performance refers to the material’s ability to resist moisture penetration. In the field of food packaging, water-blocking performance is a very important feature, because the intrusion of water may cause food deterioration, mold or spoilage, thus shortening the shelf life of food. Packaging materials with good water-blocking properties can effectively protect food from moisture and ensure the safety and stability of food during transportation and storage.
Light blocking
Shading performance refers to the ability of a material to block the penetration of light. In food packaging, light-shielding properties are very important because some products are very sensitive to light, which may cause product deterioration, failure, or color change. For example, vitamins, spices and pigments in certain foods, as well as active ingredients in medicines, may undergo chemical changes due to light exposure, affecting the quality and safety of the product.
Packaging materials with good light-shielding properties can effectively prevent ultraviolet and visible light from penetrating and protect products from the effects of light.
Physical Strength
The physical strength of packaging materials protects food from physical damage during transportation and storage.
Good sealing prevents bacteria and other microorganisms from entering the interior of the package, thereby extending the shelf life of food.